In November 2005, Microsoft officially released the new Visual Studio 2005 also known as .NET 2.0. RustemSoft is presenting a software package for customizing your .NET Windows Forms DataGridView Columns. The DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly is DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for .NET 2.x developers. The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET Forms DataGridView control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need. DataGridViewColumns dynamic link library contains the following DataGridView Columns: Combo (extended combobox), Memo column, DateTimePicker column. Also the assembly includes the formatting intelligent DateTimeColumn, NumericColumn, TextFractionsColumn, MaskedTextBox column controls that can mask the date, time, numbers as well as the text fractions. It gives you ability to manage the IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc., and checks the validation, and automatically set the delimiter location. These Column classes are chock full of functionality that you wonÆt find in the standard Microsoft .NET 2.x DataGridView Columns, that make it easy to build professional and forcing user interfaces.
 We are presenting a software package for customizing your .NET Windows Forms DataGrid Columns. The DataGridColumns .NET assembly is a DataGrid Columns Styles software package specifically designed for .NET developers. The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET Forms DataGrid control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need. DataGridColumns dynamic link library contains the following DataGrid Column Styles: combobox, XPButton column Style, Memo column Style, Button column Style, DateTimePicker column Style. Also the assembly includes the formatting intelligent DateTimeColumn, NumericColumn, TextFractionsColumn style controls that can mask the date, time, numbers as well as the text fractions. It gives you ability to manage the IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc., and checks the validation, and automatically set the delimiter location.
 Using XML Converter allows you to create XML document that will content the same data as your original MS Excel spreadsheet, MS Access database, Word document or csv/text file. XML Converter supports major databases such as ODBC, Oracle, MySQL and MS SQL Server. The resulting XML document will be built in strong compliance with XSL specifications. XML Converter allows you to create an XML database. This software gives you ability to generate an output as a set of XML tables. By using comprehensive interface you can adjust XML tags for final XML. Also this proved excellent because you can change the XSL style for XML output to what you wanted.
 Sonswish Oracle database browser is the Windows based graphical tool for database navigation, data updating, exploring, table relationships checking or validating Oracle database. Sonswish is an intuitive Oracle browser, allows the Oracle developer to create Oracle database objects (such as tables, views, procedures and so on) and show a visual representation of table relationships for that Oracle database.
 Sonswish browser is a universal Oracle database browser with data updating operations, record filtering, printing, data format validation and other innovative attractive tools to handle common Oracle database browsing tasks. Sonswish allows to browse both structures and contents of databases managed by Oracle DBMS. Despite the fact that Sonswish cannot be positioned as a database's control application, our product has a number of most important features of database control application.
 Sonswish allows to insert, delete, and update data records into database tables, remove whole tables. Furthermore, Sonswish provides interface to execute SQL statements of any complexity and for any purpose. Sonswish presents database as a hierarchical tree structure representation of all objects that belong to your Oracle database. A user can browse table structure, table indexes, primary keys, foreign keys, constraints and other table's objects. The software allows you export Oracle database tables/views to the following data files: txt, csv, html, mdb, Excel.
 Graphical XML editing and validation tool XMLFox Advance is XML/XSD editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox Advance XML/XSD editor is the Windows based graphical tool for authoring, updating, exploring, well-formedness checking or validating XML documents. XMLFox Advance is an intuitive xml and xml schema(XSD) editor, allows the xml developer to create schemas and show a visual representation of what the xml document will look like for that schema.
 XMLFox Advance Editor is a delimiter-aware XML data editor with markup-aware cut-and-paste operations, undo, rectangular selection, clear diagnostics and other innovative attractive tools to handle common XML/XSD editing tasks. Visual XML document editor, suited as a lightweight editor for document framework deployments. It features full XSD validation, but doesn't require a XSD (XML Schema Definition). XMLFox Advance includes XML View, XML Tree, XML Grid, and XML Script modes for editing.
 XMLFox Advance is the tool for beginners to XSD schema (XML Schema Definition) as well as for professionals. It has visual Schema Tree representation that dynamically updates its XSD text. Those that need help in understanding schemas will find the Schema Tree inestimable, and developers maintaining other schemas will save hours of learning time with this XML editor. It is extremely configurable and fast enough. In XMLFox Advance you can output data to several other data format files. The Editor allows you export XML tables or whole XML to the following data files: TXT; convert into CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, convert into HTML page, create MS Access database, and create Excel file.
RustemSoft presents the 'file to PDF' conversion software, named PDF Converter that accomplishes conversion, formatting, PDF content merging, font settings, text coloring and other PDF tasks. It generates PDF document from a data source like CSV, Excel, delimited text file, MS Access database, MS Word doc/docx files, and database (ODBC/Oracle/SQL Server) table/view objects.
 Let's consider a common situation in today's software development world: a web service or another process provides an XML document with hundreds of elements and attributes. You as a developer are facing a task of creating an Excel spreadsheet or MS Access mdb database from that XML.
 To accomplish the XML encoding conversion we will useXMLFox Advance that is a useful XML and XSD schema editor.

XML documents are dramatically often being used as a format of data exchange. However for an XML to be appropriate to various users, the XML has to conform to a standardized structure. XML XSD Schema is an XML-based representation of the structure of an XML document.

The Skater .NET obfuscator special Linker interface is the utility that can link multiple .NET assemblies modules into a single file for deployment.

Medical Tests Analyzer is the complete solution for efficient, reliable and modern managing system for patient's medical lab results. Medical Tests Analyzer software tool provides a short overview and some tips on how to translate the results, and what they actually mean. Medical Tests Analyzer Software is a tool to interpret your laboratory blood test results.
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