Healthcare projects Diagnosis API software

   Published: 19 May 2024
It allows you to test the API in seconds.
Apiece observation is represented by a sole ID; in this case the symptom IDs are 164, 151 and 200, correspondingly. Diagnosis API is available as the Postman pool. Also the serene has list of implemented Lab Test Procedures: ALT, Amalyse, AST, Sum Bilirubin, GT Chlamydia, Appearance Urine, and ABO grouping. Let's affect we have a uncomplaining, suffering starting strong smell urine, many urination and yellow skin. The album located: The collection includes a little endpoints and predefined requests with the aim of you can extend. We contain created a try 'Diagnosis API' collection for you. By inflowing and identified the tests values you can throw (POST) both Symptoms and Tests lists to This desire depend on the accuracy of the diagnoses obtained. Therefore GET Possible Health Surroundings from the Diagnosis API.
In charge to achieve superlative results and enable further features of the API, you possess to provide as several test result and symptoms as possible.

For your Tape Development you can use AuthenticationID = DEMO_AuthenticationID. We motivation provide you by means of your unique AuthenticationID in the manner of registration.
An example of a ask for could stare like this (finally you bidding replace DEMO_AuthenticationID amid your credentials):
Base Health Terms
Diagnostic information important by the API engine is categorized as Lab Test Procedures and Symptoms. To pocket advantage of the diagnostic capabilities of Diagnosis API you be required to describe your enduring cases in requisites of observations open in the presented example; in other lexis, you need to be familiar with exact Test results and Symptoms to be voted for to the /DDxItems endpoint.
For each medical idea category here are two REST-inspired read-only endpoints supporting GET requests:
one proceeds the list of all Lab Tests Processs (,
the other takings the list of all viable Symptoms (
Each concept is represented by a JSON goal with quite a few attributes. Some attributes are shared to both concepts:
id - little and unique notion (test or symptom) id,
name - concept reputation (professional medical term),
description - detailed description.Each demand must consist of non-standard HTTP header: AuthenticationID. This parameter corresponds to your exclusive application ID. Authentication
Diagnosis API uses a custom certification mechanism.